Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Course officially completed

The professor has finished grading the paper! (He is usually fast.)  Grade for the course posted so course officially COMPLETE! I got a good grade. It was a good course.

I could not see the professor's comments because the course "shell" is closed. I think the school does that to ensure there are no changes after course completion. Maybe I'll suggest that they email the student the professor's feedback.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Back to work

I am now back to working on the final assignment. I am still thinking about the options I want to include/review and the best research method and design from available options.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Working on hypotheses

I am currently working on hypotheses for a quantitative study. Tricky, tricky, tricky...
it requires lots of thought

Making progress

I am making lots of progress with the final assignment for the course. I started with the last paper (rather than from scratch). The first set of changes were changes based on the professor's feedback/comments. I added a research method, made changes to the design, and so on. I am now working on additional details.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Starting work on the final assignment for the course

The final assignment for the course looks a lot like a signature assignment! It is a 12-15 page Research Method and Design for a dissertation research topic. It seems to be for the research topic proposed in previous papers, but maybe selection of a new topic is okay (based on the wording of the assignment requirements). I need to stick with my topic. I need to include much more in the method proposed in last week's paper - details such as sample size.

I am starting work on the assignment very early so I have ample tiome to finish. I am also working on other things this week... for example: recent post on Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus:
