Saturday, October 29, 2016

Week 4 assignment submitted

I completed and submitted the week 4 assignment early so I could spend the rest of today and tomorrow on the signature assignment for the Database Admin & Management course. I liked the assignment. I find survey design very interesting!

The paper: Survey Instrument Development

Additional link to the sample survey:

Friday, October 28, 2016

Making progess with the week 4 assignment

I developed a 12-question survey (assignment requires a minimum of 10 questions - different types of questions) and am now working on the paper (to discuss challenges and issues encountered when developing the survey).  I think I will need to add a few more questions to the survey so that I have more variety.

(I created an account in Survey Monkey just for the course. I also added the survey to Google Docs.)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Week 3 ethics assignment submitted

I completed and submitted the week 3 assignment on ethics. Based on feedback from the professor, I changed the "usual format." For example, the introductory paragraph is different.

The paper: Ethics in Research

Friday, October 21, 2016

Making progress

I am making good progress with assignment 3 for the course. The assignment: a 3-5 page paper on ethical issues & a review of the IRB application. I am including a high-level proposed design in the paper (after much thought about the best way to conduct the research).

As I wrote about the need to collect users' evaluations of the new designs (options), I thought about the sessions I helped to coordinate at USPTO for users to review video conferencing options. That was not simple!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Week 2 assignment submitted

Paper on research validity, specifically internal, external, and construct validity, completed and submitted. This was an interesting paper. For outlining my research study, I used the structure/format I learned during the Research Methods course ( - a research problem with X number of words, a research purpose using a standard template, and research questions. Now I am wondering whether the details in the first paper could be cramed into the format from the Research Methods course.

The paper:
Research Validity

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Making progress

I conducted a mini-literature review to obtain several journal articles on websites and online consumer decision-making and then decided on an area/sub-topic I will focus on during this course. I am making progress.


Working on the first assignment

For the first assignment, I need to work on a theoretical framework (theoretical perspective for a research study). One option is to reuse the paper(s) from the recently completed Research Methods course ( Another is to work on a new research topic/area.

At this time, I am thinking of making this new course all about decision-making. I could continue my work on online reviews, which touched on decision-making (I completed a paper on online reviews for the first literature review course).

I found an interesting paper on social media and decision-making in the NCU dissertation database that gave me ideas. I think people get ideas and make decisions based on information in a variety of places - not just online reviews. An example: pins in Pinterest. Someone reviewing my Pinterest profile (, for example, could use the information to make decisions about what to purchase, where to travel etc. Maybe I will make this my research topic/area.

New course started

The new course 'Research Design' started on 10/2/2016.
Post from my other blog: