Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Course officially completed

The professor has finished grading the paper! (He is usually fast.)  Grade for the course posted so course officially COMPLETE! I got a good grade. It was a good course.

I could not see the professor's comments because the course "shell" is closed. I think the school does that to ensure there are no changes after course completion. Maybe I'll suggest that they email the student the professor's feedback.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Back to work

I am now back to working on the final assignment. I am still thinking about the options I want to include/review and the best research method and design from available options.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Working on hypotheses

I am currently working on hypotheses for a quantitative study. Tricky, tricky, tricky...
it requires lots of thought

Making progress

I am making lots of progress with the final assignment for the course. I started with the last paper (rather than from scratch). The first set of changes were changes based on the professor's feedback/comments. I added a research method, made changes to the design, and so on. I am now working on additional details.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Starting work on the final assignment for the course

The final assignment for the course looks a lot like a signature assignment! It is a 12-15 page Research Method and Design for a dissertation research topic. It seems to be for the research topic proposed in previous papers, but maybe selection of a new topic is okay (based on the wording of the assignment requirements). I need to stick with my topic. I need to include much more in the method proposed in last week's paper - details such as sample size.

I am starting work on the assignment very early so I have ample tiome to finish. I am also working on other things this week... for example: recent post on Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus:


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Week 7 assignment submitted

I just submitted my assignment for week 7. I spent a lot of time on the assignment - last night, I "pulled" an all-nighter to complete it. I had to work through some design details/issues. The paper certainly helped me. I now understand qualitative and quantitative research designs a whole lot more!

Paper: Research Design Plans


Friday, November 18, 2016

Work continues.......

Work continues on my assignment for this week. I have a lot of work to do. Hopefully, by the end of today I will have a good draft.

Status post in Facebook, GooglePlus and other sites...

STATUS: About to work on my assignment for the week.
INTERESTING TIDBIT: We make a lot of decisions in life. Some may not always make sense (or seem smart) to others. For example, why use a slow cooker when a pressure cooker would be faster and produce the same result? Why use black and white when studies show people prefer color? Slow Cooker, Pressure Cooker, The Right Color, and Black and White are some of my Pinterest boards/categories (profile: https://www.pinterest.com/fahmeenaodetta/). Interesting.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Started working on next assignment

I started working on the next assignment (to prepare both qualitative and quantitative designs). I am thinking of available options and what would work best.
Full post available at: https://plus.google.com/+FahmeenaOdettaMoore/posts/e76kHQqoNmz with an interesting tidbit on breakfast food options (with links to the appropriate board from my Pinterest profile).


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Week 6 assignment completed

After thinking for a while about the best approach for my proposed research, I concluded that a mixed methods study is best. I decided to include a very brief discussion on changes that will be required for a quantitative study (I personally prefer quantitative over qualitative). I await feedback from the professor. I think he will have a lot to say about the paper.

Paper: Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Work continues

I'm about to continue working on my assignment. I have a few questions that should work themselves out as I write/work on the paper. For example, from the assignment description, it seems that the student must choose between qualitative and quantitative. However, the template has three options: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. I usually do not contact the professor with questions. This professor provides a lot of good feedback. Maybe he included a related tip for this week's assignment in last week's feedback. I'll check.

On track to complete assignment

Assignment 6 deals with qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design. I have a good first draft. I should complete the assignment well before the deadline.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Making progress without the book

Even though I did not have the book, I researched/read about observational methods (experimental designs) used in related studies. Observational methods is the topic for this week's paper. I found some good articles. I think I'll be okay.

(click to enlarge)

Waiting for book for assignment

Currently work, work, working... hoping to get a hold of particular book soon (or a page from the book)...
From post: https://plus.google.com/+FahmeenaOdettaMoore/posts/Qtjnpezu6FP

This week's assignment requires a page from a particular book:

(click to enlarge)

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Week 4 assignment submitted

I completed and submitted the week 4 assignment early so I could spend the rest of today and tomorrow on the signature assignment for the Database Admin & Management course. I liked the assignment. I find survey design very interesting!

The paper: Survey Instrument Development

Additional link to the sample survey:

Friday, October 28, 2016

Making progess with the week 4 assignment

I developed a 12-question survey (assignment requires a minimum of 10 questions - different types of questions) and am now working on the paper (to discuss challenges and issues encountered when developing the survey).  I think I will need to add a few more questions to the survey so that I have more variety.

(I created an account in Survey Monkey just for the course. I also added the survey to Google Docs.)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Week 3 ethics assignment submitted

I completed and submitted the week 3 assignment on ethics. Based on feedback from the professor, I changed the "usual format." For example, the introductory paragraph is different.

The paper: Ethics in Research

Friday, October 21, 2016

Making progress

I am making good progress with assignment 3 for the course. The assignment: a 3-5 page paper on ethical issues & a review of the IRB application. I am including a high-level proposed design in the paper (after much thought about the best way to conduct the research).

As I wrote about the need to collect users' evaluations of the new designs (options), I thought about the sessions I helped to coordinate at USPTO for users to review video conferencing options. That was not simple!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Week 2 assignment submitted

Paper on research validity, specifically internal, external, and construct validity, completed and submitted. This was an interesting paper. For outlining my research study, I used the structure/format I learned during the Research Methods course (http://fmooresignatureassignment3.blogspot.com/) - a research problem with X number of words, a research purpose using a standard template, and research questions. Now I am wondering whether the details in the first paper could be cramed into the format from the Research Methods course.

The paper:
Research Validity

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Making progress

I conducted a mini-literature review to obtain several journal articles on websites and online consumer decision-making and then decided on an area/sub-topic I will focus on during this course. I am making progress.


Working on the first assignment

For the first assignment, I need to work on a theoretical framework (theoretical perspective for a research study). One option is to reuse the paper(s) from the recently completed Research Methods course (http://fmooresignatureassignment3.blogspot.com/). Another is to work on a new research topic/area.

At this time, I am thinking of making this new course all about decision-making. I could continue my work on online reviews, which touched on decision-making (I completed a paper on online reviews for the first literature review course).

I found an interesting paper on social media and decision-making in the NCU dissertation database that gave me ideas. I think people get ideas and make decisions based on information in a variety of places - not just online reviews. An example: pins in Pinterest. Someone reviewing my Pinterest profile (https://www.pinterest.com/fahmeenaodetta/), for example, could use the information to make decisions about what to purchase, where to travel etc. Maybe I will make this my research topic/area.

New course started

The new course 'Research Design' started on 10/2/2016.
Post from my other blog: http://fmooredbadminmngtsiga.blogspot.com/2016/10/new-assignment.html